NEWBORN is a human from the time of birth to the twenty-eight day of life; also called a neonate. the term "newborn" includes premature infants, postmature infants and full term newborn. the first month of your baby's life are intense time. you may find yourself more "in-Love" than you thought possible or it may take several times to feel truly bonded you and your baby.
Care for the Newborn
- Observed or assist with the initiation of respiration's.
- Asses APGAR Score (Appearance,Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration)
- NOTE characteristics of cry
- Monitor For Nasal flaring, grunting, retractions, and abnormal respiration's, such as seesaw respiration pattern (rise and fall of the chest and abdomen do not occur together)
- Asses for cyanosis.
- Obtain Vital signs (Temperature, Pulse Rate, and Respiratory Cycle)
- Observed the newborn for Signs of hypothermia or Hyperthermia.
- Assess for gross anomalies.