Tuesday, July 5, 2011

About the Newborn

NEWBORN is a human from the time of birth to the twenty-eight day of life; also called a neonate. the term "newborn" includes premature infants, postmature infants and full term newborn. the first month of your baby's life are intense time. you may find yourself more "in-Love" than you thought possible or it may take several times to feel truly bonded you and your baby.

Care for the Newborn

  1. Observed or assist with the initiation of respiration's.
  2. Asses APGAR Score (Appearance,Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration)
  3. NOTE characteristics of cry
  4. Monitor For Nasal flaring, grunting, retractions, and abnormal respiration's, such as seesaw respiration pattern (rise and fall of the chest and abdomen do not occur together)
  5. Asses for cyanosis. 
  6. Obtain Vital signs (Temperature, Pulse Rate, and Respiratory Cycle)
  7. Observed the newborn for Signs of hypothermia or Hyperthermia.
  8. Assess for gross anomalies.
  1. For health care provider Suction the the mouth firs and then the nares with a bulb syringe to remove the secretions.
  2. Dry the Newborns and stimulate crying by rubbing. to provide good respiration.
  3. maintain temperature stability between 97.4 to 100.4 F; wrap the newborn in warm blankets and place a stockinette cap on the newborn's head.
  4. Keep the Newborn with mother to facilitate bonding.
  5. Place the Newborn at the mother's breast if breast feeding is planed, or place the newborn to mother's abdomen.
  6. Place the newborn in radiant warmer. (incubator)
  7. Position the Newborn on the side with rolled blanket at the back to prevent aspiration and facilitate drainage of the mucus.
  8. Ensure the Newborn Identification.
  9. Footprint for the Newborn and fingerprint the mother on the identification sheet per agency policies and procedure.
  10. Place Identification bracelet. 

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